Oh how I long to stick my fingers in the soil!
And it's only February...
-But then the answer is: ONION PLANTS :)
I am a true seventies, raised with the tradition of always doing Christmas groups and spring groups! For as long as I can remember, I have made groups in nice pots and change of different kinds, with different flowers, moss, grass, pebbles and sand. Many years ago I bought pebbles in the pet store and put bulbs in, in vases without soil. I probably still have those stones .. just to rinse off and use again and again. Good advice indeed! I will do that next time!
Mixing different onion plants in the same pot is fine, just divide them a little carefully, fill with a little soil mixed with sand, water very little and cut off when it withers a little afterwards. When they are fully grown, I put them out in the garden. The good thing is that onion plants are uncomplicated types, in addition they can withstand a bit of freezing temperatures.
Here I have white and blue pearl hyacinth, tulips and king bed lily, the last one managed to bloom before I finished the post, so I took a picture of it too :) /Li
PS Fittingly, I'm wearing a Mazarin in the Stickling pattern!